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European Council on Foreign Relations

The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) is a European think tank launched in October 2007 and is financed by billionaire and philanthropist George Soros.

Headed by Executive Director Mark Leonard, it’s goal is to provide strategic analysis on the European Union’s foreign policy performance, and to promote a more coherent and vigorous European foreign policy.

I created the new identity and visual style for this new think-tank. This included production of all launch materials, website and publications. As a continuing relationship with the client I produced all subsequent print materials.

Designed at R&D&Co

May 13, 2008
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A select range of brand identies

A logo is the purest form of expression for any organisation, product or service. It’s the visual shorthand for the entire brand and needs to be distinctive and representative of the whole.

1. STA Travel
2. 4Change
3. European Council on Foreign Relations
4. Ted Hughes Award for New Work in Poetry
5. Redbridge Cycling Centre
6. National Poetry Competition
7. EWI Campaign Logo
8. Valentines Mansion and Gardens
9. OOTO (Out of the Office)

March 13, 2010
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