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Glenfiddich Age of Discovery / Bourbon cask finish

Following on from the success of Age of Discovery / Madeira cask, the second in the range of Age of Discovery whiskies was released – Age of Discovery / Bourbon cask. Matured in American Oak casks which were previously used to mellow bourbon whisky. The design of this second release lends its approach to the journey made shipping American bourbon casks down the rivers of American and across the sea to Scotland.

Having gone through a journey in creating the aesthetic for the first release of ‘Age of Discover’ it was decided that all design elements would be created in post production, which has led to a controlled consistency with the look and feel of the Medeira Cask beauty shots.

Beauty shots of the bottle and packaging were also created to form part of the Glenfiddich Media suite of assets.

Designed at Purple Creative

May 30, 2012
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