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A select range of brand identies

A logo is the purest form of expression for any organisation, product or service. It’s the visual shorthand for the entire brand and needs to be distinctive and representative of the whole.

1. STA Travel
2. 4Change
3. European Council on Foreign Relations
4. Ted Hughes Award for New Work in Poetry
5. Redbridge Cycling Centre
6. National Poetry Competition
7. EWI Campaign Logo
8. Valentines Mansion and Gardens
9. OOTO (Out of the Office)

March 13, 2010
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Redbridge Cycling Centre

Redbridge Cycling Centre is a unique facility in South East England which will host national and international events as well as providing a brilliant facility for local residents. Opened by the Mayor of London Boris Johnson the new Redbridge Cycling Centre was billed as the ‘first Olympic legacy venue for 2012 cycling hopefuls.

Working closely with my creative director we devised a new logo and typeface to enhance the visibility of the cycling centre. An organic logo was created that expressed the speed and excitement of the sport it represents, this was then translated in to the logotype.

Cycle centre ‘first 2012 legacy’
Designed at R&D&Co

November 17, 2008
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