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Glenfiddich – 15 Year Old Distillery Edition

As part of the launch of numerous new products for Glenfiddich, a created a signature beauty image for this innovative single malt. This 15 Year Old Distillery Edition needed to fit as part of the set of new product images however retain its own individuality.

Created to a tight budget and in retouch, the bottle was placed in our ‘virtual’ distillery. Taking reference from the packaging we retouched the beauty shot to loosely feel as thought it was in a real environment, reflecting buildings in to the glass bottle as well as adjusting lighting through the bottle.

Beauty shots were created focusing on the packaging and bottle aesthetic.

Designed at Purple Creative

July 12, 2012
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Glenfiddich Millennium Vintage 2012

With the worlds focus on London during this historic year, Glenfiddich wanted to produce a global travel retail exclusive that would capture and captivate a new audience.

Aimed at both the avid whisky connoisseur as well as for the gift market, this exclusive product was designed to fit within a very crowded market, during a year where everything ’2012’ needed to vie for attention.

Through emphasising the age claim of the product in this design, I created a clean and clear packaging solution.

Designed at Purple Creative

July 11, 2012
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